On Saturday 9th of September the IMC Nursing Team headed up to Manchester to host our second ever Nursing Open Day. We are glad to say that it was a huge success, and our consultants were delighted to meet not only new, but familiar faces as well.

Who was Invited?

“I hosted this open day for all people that work in the Nursing Industry, I included all subspecialties including Mental Health Nurses. It was a nice opportunity to catch up with my existing candidates and meet some of my new ones and put a face to their names.”

What made you decide to do an Open Day?

“I originally came up with the idea as IMC previously did an event for our biomedical science team, I really liked the idea and heard of the success from the previous event and thought it would be a good idea for our Nursing Team and a way to meet and register new and existing candidates.”

How did you plan the day to go?

“Our marketing department set up an electronic form that we sent out to potential people that would like to come to the event, I found this effective and made it a lot easier when inviting people. We planned to talk about live roles, available rates, and getting people a fast-track registration while also giving out teas and coffees the whole day.”

Have you had any feedback?

“It has been a huge success and judging so far, from speaking to my new and existing candidates on the phone; I have been told it was a great day and one that my candidates enjoyed.”

Are there any more events coming up?

“Yes! We have an event planned which is being hosted by another one of our consultants in the nursing team, James Cowler. Due to the success of this event, we want to start doing more so we can meet more new candidates and keep good relationships with our current ones.”

How can candidates get in touch to work with you?

“They can contact me via email on millie.schooling@imc-locums.co.uk, or call my work phone on 07483 952 874 or call the IMC Office on 0203 473 2430!”